Web Development

JAJA - E-Commerce Website

Landing Page Mockup

JAJA Marketing Video

JAJA - E-Commerce Website

JAJA - BCIT Group Project
Adobe Illustrator/Sketch/Vue.js/HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Firebase
January-March, 2019

Jaja is an e-commerce type of business that would be selling artists’ graphic designed phone cases, tote bags, and cardholders using our website. We are aiming at latest trends to gather attention from our target audiences which would be students ages 19 - 27 who are in touch with the latest trends.


With a team of Three, my role was a Graphic Designer, UI/UX designer as well as a Front-end Developer. The logo I created is a combination of Japanese Hiragana of JAJA. And JAJA means "Spanish Laugh", so it is also a smile face.

We are using Vue.js, Vuex, Stripe.js,Firebase etc. to develop a platform which client can write reviews about the products, add/edit products as a Admin if they sign up as well as purchasing the products.