
Mythbuster - Hair of the dog

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Mythbuster - Hair of the dog from tycho116 on Vimeo.

BCIT After Effects Project A

Mythbuster - Hair of the dog

After Effects Animated Video - BCIT Project
Adobe Illustrator / After Effects March, 2018


Rave Party somewhere. You had a good time and drank a hell lot of alchohol. When midnight came, you began to wake up. You felt disoriented, your mouth was dry, and a headache pounded at your skull 🤢. Slightly nauseated, a bit hungry, and very tired, you began to realize the unwanted effects of a heavy night of drinking: the dreaded hangover. Grim Reaper 😈 was approaching you.

You began to wonder, “Is there is a surefire way to cure a hangover?” One guy in college swore by the “Hair of the Dog” treatment — drink more alcohol and your hangover will disappear cure. So you gulped a full bottle🍺 and standed up to kick Grim Reaper's ass...