Mobile Application



Pollways - Mobile Application

Pollways - BCIT Group Project
Adobe Illustrator/Sketch/Invision/React Native/HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Firebase/Xcode
September-December, 2018

Pollways is an application that allows users to create debates and have other people join in on them. You are able to create polls that will be posted into the feed where you can invite friends or wait for other users to come in and agree or disagree with your opinions.


With a team of four, my role in Pollways was a UI/UX designer as well as a Assistant Front-end Developer. We conducted user testings along with my peers and standalone testings which helped us correct some of the UX designs of the application.


The greatest challenge we have faced in the making of Pollways was integrating Firebase into our app as a database. This took quite a while as we had difficulties learning Firebase by ourselves.

Invision Prototype TestFlight